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Home > News > China Harvar set up 15th Anniversary Collection Activities

The "Harvar industry, our cause" essay contest, which warmly celebrates the 15th anniversary series of China Harvar group's establishment, was announced in February 28, 2012.

The list of winners is published as follows:
One prize (bonus 5000 yuan / person): Kunhua Ma(Zhongshan Harvar)

Two prize two (bonus 3000 yuan / person): Daojun Zhou (Zhongshan Harvar), Jiang Guohong (Suzhou Harvar)

Three prize three (bonus 1000 yuan / person): Xiongbing Mei (Suzhou Harvar), Xiaoqin Chen (Zhongshan Harvar), Jian mine Tang (Zhongshan Harvar)

Ten outstanding awards (bonus 300 yuan / person): Miaohua Li (Zhongshan Harvar), Zhaoyang Xiao (Zhongshan Harvar), Xi Hua Guo (Suzhou Harvar), Anqun Mei (Suzhou Harvar), Xinguo Liu (Zhongshan Harvar), Qiuxing Xie (Shenzhen Harvar), Wei Cheng Gou (Zhongshan Harvar), Ye Chen (Harvar, Zhongshan)

It is hoped that all China Harvar employees will take this opportunity to further firmly establish the concept of "Harvar industry, our industry", the concept of responsibility of the owner of the enterprise, to seek truth from facts in their respective positions, to do their best in their own work, and strive for the great goal of the second success of China Harvar group.

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